REFERENCE PAGE From Professor of Geology to an immortal cannibal hunting people for dinner, and being hunted by his unfinished meals. Professor Luke Tanner was trapped in a cave in 1829 with his friend and fellow professor John Bellmont, whom he fed off of until their rescue. In the cave Luke and John were immersed in water dripping from the roots of the Resurrection Plant. Bacteria from the plant had mutated over time, and when introduced into the bodies of Luke and John gave them regeneration abilities, and immortality. There after, everyone bitten was also contaminated and gained immortality unless too much had been eaten. John chases Luke with the intent to kill him and stop the spread of the cannibalism. There are three cannibals, Jewel, Todd, and Debra, who are tracking Luck with John. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luke Tanner is a professor of geology, and the cannibal. John Bellmont is Luke's fellow professor friend, first victim, and primary nemesis who is trying to stop him. Jewel Handly is Luke's first victim and the primary organizer of a team of three cannibals dedicated to stopping him. David Styles is the third member of the team, and former military. The rejuvenating substance " B-14c " is produced by the bacteria which lives in the Resurrection Plant and bugs in the cave. The bacteria is passed from person to person when they are bitten through saliva or blood transfer unless too much is eaten for them to survive. |
Robert Evan Howard Welcome!!! |